Great Synagogue
in Jerusalem


King George St, Jerusalem

Upon commencement of the renovation work at Jerusalem’s Great Synagogue, it was decided to begin with the Sephardic synagogue on the entrance floor. Legendary architect Ari Ostreicher succeeded in transforming its design to modern and sleek even while fully maintaining its original charm. He predictably selected Appliance Direct to plan and implement the complex air-conditioning system. Using Mitsubishi’s VRF solutions, we installed a powerful system that successfully suits the architectural conditions of the place.


Aron Ostreicher- a first-rate architect that over the years he became known as a pro in design of synagogues around the world.

Architects write about us

It’s a pleasure to work with Aron and his team. Professional, precise work, even in large and complex spaces.
And most importantly, always with a smile.

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