Your Home
Early planning
The various appliances scattered throughout the house complete the living experience in your home. This experience can become truly exquisite if it is planned properly. We recommend, even during the apartment planning stage, to research the various options and study the usage habits of all household members. Sometimes, proper planning and purchasing the right appliances will save significant expenses later on in electricity, wear and tear, and maintenance of the products.
Advanced integration
The range and diversity of home appliance products in the market today is so great that one can easily “get lost” in the variety. Our Home Appliance Department will remove the confusion factor by filtering exactly those products that you need, based on your individual specifications, fitting them to your home’s particular measurements and placements. In addition, we perform the cost-benefit analysis for you to determine when it is possible to reach the same goal at a lower cost without compromising the quality of the product.
Unique design
Your home appliances can become a designer’s dream if they are cleverly integrated into the general design. Our Home Appliance Department takes color theme, placement and space into consideration and perfectly integrates every product into its natural surroundings so that it will become a natural part of the general design.